45: How Far Out Should You Plan in Your Business When Things are Unpredictable?

45: How Far Out Should You Plan in Your Business When Things are Unpredictable?

A lot of you got burnt this year with plans that needed to pivot or just didn’t work out. You are hesitant to plan for next year- understandable. But before you swear off that 2021 planner take a listen to this episode. In this episode, business coach Robin Walker talks about why you should still…

Strategy and Systems for a Successful Podcast for women in business

24: Strategy and Systems for a Successful Podcast With Esther Littlefield

[Series Two: Lakeside Conference Speakers] In Episode 24, hear from Esther Littlefield of Morningstar Media Services, as we talk about using strategy and systems to host a successful podcast. How can you save time creating each episode, while still providing an excellent show for your listeners? What step is the most commonly overlooked piece in…