How to set a goal when everything seems up in the air?

30: 3 Things to do Before Setting Your Q2 Business Goal

Things are not business as usual. Now it is more important than ever to be intentional with any work time you can carve out of your day. No random goals this quarter. Let’s be intentional and strategic so we can keep our businesses running and profitable. In Episode 30, we are talking about three things…

Content that Converts podcast for female entrepreneurs and small business owners

22: Creating Strategic Content That Converts with Abby Herman

Robin Walker, business coach and speakers for female business owners, talks with Abby Herman of Write Solutions as we talk about creating content that converts in episode 22. Mistakes business owners are making with their content. How content has changed online and for in person businesses. How far out should you plan your content. Do…

20: Attracting New Clients Through Public Speaking With Carrie Sharpe

20: Attracting New Clients Through Public Speaking With Carrie Sharpe

[Series Two: Lakeside Conference Speakers] In Episode 20, hear from Carrie Sharpe of He Says, She Says, and learn more about attracting new clients through speaking from stage, at networking events, and by guesting on podcasts. We also discuss the biggest mistake people make when speaking for their business, and what promoters look for when…

10: Dream. Plan. Do. How to go from a dream to an action step.

10: Dream. Plan. Do. How to go from a dream to an action step.

In Episode 10, I am talking about how to increase your chances of reporting success by 538%. Is there something you could be doing that would help you move forward on your goals faster? Everyone loves the dreaming phase! We have our vision boards, Pinterest boards, resolutions, and big ideas. Unfortunately, we don’t alwasy know…