Learn to prepare to be productive when things get crazy

38: Prepare to be Productive When Things Get Crazy

When things are busy, crazy, or unpredictable in life or business, do you resort to winging it? Or when things feel overwhelming or you have too much on your plate, do you end up not doing anything out of decision fatigue? In this episode, Robin Walker, business coach, speaker, and IMPACT Mastermind host gives 3…

31: Your Next Online Offer: 3 steps toward your best way to serve

31: Your Next Online Offer: 3 steps toward your best way to serve

There are times when we need to rethink how we are serving our clients: redesign our service options and meet people where they are. Right now- people are online. Pretty much exclusively. Because of our unique circumstances in the spring of  2020, they are all in their homes and receiving help and services from online…

shift your mindset in your business

27: Get out of Your Own Way With a Mindset Shift: with Jenni Schubring

In this episode we discuss how to shift your mindset when you have a belief that is getting in your way or holding you back in your business. What even is mindset? How to know if you have a mindset issue. What are some of the common mindset limitations female business owners have? How your…

How to set a 2020 goal and achieve it faster. Strategy and focus for female entrepreneurs and business owners

23: Goal Setting: How to set a better goal and achieve it faster.

In Episode 23, I am talking about that goal you are contemplating for 2020. Is it strategic? Is it what your business really needs right now? Do you know how you are going to achieve it? Listen in to hear the first 3 steps of my goal setting framework, that can help you set a…

Selling for women in business Nikki Rausch Lakeside Conference

17: Mastering the Art of Relationship Selling with Nikki Rausch

[Series Two: Lakeside Conference Speakers] In Episode 17, hear from Nikki Rausch of Sales Maven and learn more about increasing sales through building relationships, and how to navigate this part of our businesses. Nikki Rausch is the CEO of “Sales Maven”, an organization dedicated to authentic selling, Nikki Rausch has the unique ability to transform…

3 Ways to Prep Your Business For the Holidays

3 Ways to Prep Your Business For the Holidays

Every year we swear we are going to take more time off from our businesses over the holidays and really RELAX. Every year we also scramble to put together a holiday promotion, jam all of the client work and product creation into the last minute, and try to watch one whole holiday movie without checking…