57: Attracting Sales- Tips From The Experts

Join Robin Walker, business coach for entrepreneurs, to look back on some advice from past podcast guests about attracting sales, and focus on the soft skills of selling in your business, and what you can do to attract sales more authentically and in a way that feels easier- specifically combating your mindset blocks about selling…

women's business workshop podcast for female entrepreneurs

42: Creating the Perfect Offer for Your Ideal Client [Coaching Session]

In this episode, business coach Robin Walker coaches through the process of combining multiple skill sets and 2 related businesses to form one strategic ideal client, and coordinating perfect offer. This moves on to capturing content buckets from the ideas shared while working through the process. This is episode 3 in a series on ideal…

25: Product Business: Stand Out and Attract Sales with Sue Monhait

25: Product Business: Stand Out and Attract Sales with Sue Monhait

[Series Two: Lakeside Conference Speakers] In Episode 25, hear from Sue Monhait of Gift Biz Unwrapped, as we talk about product based businesses, trends toward in-person sales and marketing, and how to help your business stand out. Listen in to hear tips on selling at craft fairs and live events. What can you do to…