Create Your Summer Profit Plan: Online Program


Set aside some time to map out a revenue plan for the next 90 days. No more winging what comes next or what to focus on for sales for the summer.

Let’s reverse engineer a summer profit goal, what you will need to sell and how, and create the plan you will follow to achieve your goal.

You profit plan will be your key to less overwhelm and more focus and clarity in this ever changing time.

Out of stock


You know it is time to get back on track. You need a plan for revenue and action for the summer months so you can enjoy the season AND pay your bills.

The program includes:

  1. Online Workshop [Monday, June 15: 11:00 to 12:30 pm CST on zoom]: Using a 4 step process, we will work through choosing focused offers, projecting revenue and expenses, and mapping out a plan for the next 90 day’s activity to support your goal.
  2. 5 Day Email Program: Each day following the workshop, expect an email with tips, encouragement, and accountability for each step of the process.
  3. Optional Upgrade- peer support: Join the IMPACT Mastermind group and join us for 5 days of Q&A, sharing, and followup support following the workshop in the private facebook group. [If you choose to join IMPACT by 6/14/20, your registration for this event is free and a part of your membership.]


Refunds not available for workshops.