Balance for business over the holiday season

66: Business Balance and Boundaries for the Holidays

It is that time of year again, where we try to cram a million more things into the same 24 hours we had yesterday. Let’s make this year different. Business Consultant Robin Walker, talks with Jenni Schubring, life coach and owner of Embrace Your Story Coaching, about the holiday season and how to focus on…

Capture Holiday Attention for your business

65: Capture Holiday Visibility For Your Business

When you look at your sales goals for November and December, are you trying to increase sales, stay consistent, or do you welcome a slow down for the holidays? In episode 65, join Business Consultant Robin Walker, to hear about three easy ways to grab some visibility this holiday so you can meet your sales…

Reach your business revenue goals with danielle hayden

63: Setting (and achieving) Financial Business Goals with Danielle Hayden

Revenue goals- do you set them and forget them? Or wonder what action steps to take to achieve them? Business Consultant Robin Walker, talks with Danielle Hayden, owner of Kickstart Accounting, about where to start, what gets business owners tripped up when setting money goals, and how to find your sweet spot revenue goal for…

62: Mastermind Groups- The who, the what, and how to choose one

62: Mastermind Groups- The who, the what, and how to choose one

Ever wonder what it is like inside of a mastermind group? Today we are talking about Mastermind groups- what they like on the inside, how they can help your business, and how to know if one is the right fit for you. There is a free download with 5 questions to ask before joining a mastermind…