31: Your Next Online Offer: 3 steps toward your best way to serve

31: Your Next Online Offer: 3 steps toward your best way to serve

There are times when we need to rethink how we are serving our clients: redesign our service options and meet people where they are. Right now- people are online. Pretty much exclusively. Because of our unique circumstances in the spring of  2020, they are all in their homes and receiving help and services from online…

How to set a goal when everything seems up in the air?

30: 3 Things to do Before Setting Your Q2 Business Goal

Things are not business as usual. Now it is more important than ever to be intentional with any work time you can carve out of your day. No random goals this quarter. Let’s be intentional and strategic so we can keep our businesses running and profitable. In Episode 30, we are talking about three things…

attracting new clients with brand message and client

29: Attracting Clients Through Brand Message and Copy With Lindsey Johnson

In this episode we discuss how to attract new clients with your brand messaging and copy on your website and social media channels. How much of your personality should be in your branding? What is the main goal of your copy website and your home page? Is it ok to DIY your branding and website?…

shift your mindset in your business

27: Get out of Your Own Way With a Mindset Shift: with Jenni Schubring

In this episode we discuss how to shift your mindset when you have a belief that is getting in your way or holding you back in your business. What even is mindset? How to know if you have a mindset issue. What are some of the common mindset limitations female business owners have? How your…

women's business female entrepreneur

26: Behind the Scenes of the Lakeside Conference Anniversary Episode

To celebrate the one year anniversary of the Women’s Business Workshop Podcast, we are going behind the scenes of our annual two day conference. The Lakeside Conference will be celebrating it’s fourth year in March of 2020. Each year, the event takes on a little different personality as it brings on new speakers and new…