How to connect with your audience over the holidays

4 Ways to Connect With Your Audience Over the Holiday Weekend

The holidays are a great time to connect with your audience in a personal way. Everyone has all the feels this time of year, and we are no different. If you truly want to serve your customers, you need to get to know them AND let them get to know you. Business is so much…

Be a conference speaker. do's and don't for a positive conference persentation

How to be an Event Promoter’s Favorite Speaker

In March of 2017, I hosted the Women’s Business Lakeside Conference. I asked some of my favorite business experts to speak, and then opened up applications to fill the remaining spots. I was blessed with amazingly generous, knowledgeable, and professional speakers. They not only rocked the conference, they became friends. After that event, women asked me…

Reading program for kids and how the library can help you work from home.

3 Ways the Library Can Help You Get More Done at Home

Raise your hand if you are a little intimidated by the library? You think…what exactly is in there? Will my kids be too loud? I’m not a reader, why would I go there? If you work from home and have kids, you are missing out! Going to the library is one of those strategies that once you start, you…

Best Summer Hacks for work at home moms- by top mom bosses! Scheduling, kid activities, tech tools!

Top Summer Tips for Work at Home Moms

Summer Advice From Top Female Entrepreneurs! Summer is a bittersweet time for most work at home moms. We get to see our little cherubs all day long. All. day. long. We are also trying to concentrate, focus, and work. The deadlines, bills (!), and appointments do not magically go away in the summer. How do we…