47: The 2021 Lakeside Conference- What does an online conference look like?

47: The 2021 Lakeside Conference- What does an online conference look like?

Our annual in-person event, the Lakeside Conference will be moving online for 2021. What does an online business conference look like? Robin Walker, business coach and event host walks through what makes this event different from other online events, and how the event can benefit your business. The Event is LIVE Online Many online events…

No excuses for 2021 in your business

46: Lies You Are Telling Yourself That Will Hold Your Business Back Next Year

Let’s take a look at the delusion, cynicism, and avoidance that some of you are hanging on to from 2020. In this episode, business coach Robin Walker discusses what may be holding you back for success in 2021. It’s ok. We are all doing this in some area of our lives. But friends, let’s not…

45: How Far Out Should You Plan in Your Business When Things are Unpredictable?

45: How Far Out Should You Plan in Your Business When Things are Unpredictable?

A lot of you got burnt this year with plans that needed to pivot or just didn’t work out. You are hesitant to plan for next year- understandable. But before you swear off that 2021 planner take a listen to this episode. In this episode, business coach Robin Walker talks about why you should still…

What 2020 taught us about business episode 44

44: What 2020 taught us about business and how to use that in 2021

In this episode, business coach Robin Walker shares what business owners have learned through the pandemic of 2020, and how you can use those lessons to better prepare for 2021. I have yet to find anyone that had their business and home life sail through 2020 without any changes. We have all had to stop…

Holiday sales for small business 2020

43: Your Holiday Offer- What Buyers are Looking For in 2020

In this episode, business coach Robin Walker discusses what buyers are looking for this holiday season and how you, a small business owner, can create an offer to meet those needs, and build your following or revenue at the same time. You don’t need to sell Santa coffee mugs to have a holiday offer. It…