Even the most seasoned entrepreneur or the most disciplined person has moments that they don’t feel like doing the task at hand. You are not alone in this, especially if you are juggling new schedules, too many people in your work space, or you are simple exhausted.
Here are twelve simple things you can do to boost motivation when you just want to quit and get back in bed. (You can also listen to this post as a podcast episode here.)
1) Put your phone away or stop checking it.
Let’s get this one out of the way right away. You know it. You just don’t want to do it. Install an app that doesn’t let you scroll. Delete social media from your phone. If you don’t think you check it often, keep track for three days. Every time you are working, make a tally for the times you check your phone.
2) Reward yourself first.
Sounds counter intuitive doesn’t it? Studies show that dopamine may help improve concentration, perseverance, and even enthusiasm. Low dopamine results in an increased tendency to procrastinate. So doing something first that increases your dopamine may make more sense than afterwards (although you have my permission to do both!). What quick reward can you give yourself?
3) Revisit your vision board, big goal, or dream.
Why are you doing all of this? What is the ultimate reward you are working toward? If you do visual goal setting, this can be very motivating to get back to work.
4) Find some accountability.
Keep your ‘shoulds’ out of the motivation conversation. No one has rock solid follow through. We all need support. Message a business friend and ask if she wants to check-in on tasks for the day. Join a paid accountability group (paid means your partner won’t flake out on you or your combined lack of motivation leads to less and less accountability). Message your coach. Find someone that will encourage you (and notice) if you don’t check back in with a completed task report.
5) Change your scenery.
Keep things fresh by working somewhere new. Work near natural sunlight, put your chair in a new position at the desk, table, or sit outside. I have a stuffed chair by a window in the corner of my bedroom. I am amazed how much work I get done there when I remember about it as an option- less distractions, no one can usually find me, and I remember why I am there. I challenge you to find a new nook in your office or home, and try working there today.
6) Just start.
Set a timer for a small amount of time and give yourself permission to stop when the timer goes off. Most likely you will keep working because motivation seems to need a kick start to get rolling, and then its easier to keep going.
7) So what to start with? Just do something.
- BEST: something with an impending deadline.
- BEST-ISH: something on your quarterly goal action list. Members of our Impact Business Circle all start the quarter with a goal and list of steps with deadlines to complete the goal by the end of the quarter. No guessing. Just grab something off the list. No decision fatigue.
- STILL GOOD: Something easy or a quick win task to get your momentum started.
8) Drink some water.
Dehydration can lead to fatigue. So skip the caffeine this round and try drinking some lemon water or ice water. This tip seems simple but can really perk you up!
9) Get some fresh air to boost your brain and productivity.
Take a walk outside, sit on the deck for 5 minutes, stretch, do a couple of yoga poses, or run up and down the stairs.
10) Call it a day.
If you have tried all of the above ideas and you are just spinning in circles, take a long break or clock out. Sometimes you need to take a mental health day, or step away. Nothing is wrong with that, just notice if it starts happening too often.
Want more support, monthly pep talks, and an Action Checklist? Connect here.
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Our last blog post Motivation Killers and how to avoid them.
Join the Impact Business Circle for quarterly goal setting, action step creation, and a breakout mastermind group to help you grow and optimize your business. Groups forming now!