episode 75 raising prices for small business

75: Raising Prices as a Small Business Owner

Considering raising your prices? Whether it is due to rising costs, supply chain issues, inflation, or simply because you have been undercharging, you may need to adjust your pricing structure or rethink your offers. Not sure where to begin?

Join Small Business Consultant, Robin Walker, as she discusses four things to look at before raising prices (you may not have to!). Then keep listening to hear how you can find more profit margin, or raise prices in a way that doesn’t scare off all of your customers.

Grab the planning sheet that goes along with this episode by joining the Podcast Club Email List.

Mentioned in this episode:

IMPACT Business Circle (+Mastermind) and the Pep Talk Podcast: Join now and get in on our fall retreat in SE Wisconsin. https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/impact/

Want to talk your strategy one on one? Set up a strategy session with Robin: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/coaching/

Click here to listen to more business episodes of the Women’s Business Workshop Podcast.

Ways to connect with Robin and get support:

Book Robin to speak to your group or audience on productivity, goal setting, or how to attract more clients: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/media

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