episode 70 Business Office Organization

70: Organizing Your Workspace For Increased Productivity & Less Overwhelm

Business consultant Robin Walker joins guest Jennifer Barnes, professional organizer, on the podcast to talk about how your workspace may be slowing you down and causing you overwhelm. Jen shares why we keep letting random things end up in our office, and how a disorganized space can cause us to work anywhere BUT in our offices.

Listen in to hear about:

  • Common organizational issues for business owners
  • Why do we do let our space get this way?
  • Why does it matter if no one sees it but us?
  • Traveling workspaces
  • Time and physical boundaries in small or home offices
  • Making a space work for your needs

A disorganized workspace can cause you to say ‘why bother?’, or ‘I will do it later’. It stops us from moving forward. Forcing ourselves to work through it then is so much more exhausting.

Jenifer Barnes

Connect with Jennifer Barnes:

Website: https://jborganizing.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jborganizing/

Attend Jen’s workshop within the Impact Business Circle here.

The 2022 Lakeside Conference is coming soon! Join the list to be notified when tickets go on sale!

Things have to work with your real life. That is more important than your space looking like Pinterest.

Jennifer Barnes- jborganizing

Your action step: Start in one corner and work in small spaces at a time.

Click here to listen to more business episodes of the Women’s Business Workshop Podcast.

Ways to connect with Robin and get support:

IMPACT Business Circle (+Mastermind): Forming groups now for next quarter! https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/impact/

Set up a strategy session with Robin: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/coaching/

Book Robin to speak to your group or audience on goal setting or how to attract more clients: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/media

Business Organizing

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