69: 4 Planning Priorities for your Business in 2022
Your plan for 2022 needs to be more than just ideas.
Brainstorming and dreaming in your business is wonderful and can be very inspiring. But don’t stop there. Listen along with Business Consultant, Robin Walker, to learn about what else needs to be in your yearly plan.
If you aren’t a big tactical planner, you don’t have much time, or you aren’t sure what else you need to do, listen in for 4 planning priorities when you are mapping out this next year.
Mentioned in this episode:
Attract More Clients Visibility Idea Sheet and Planner. Free download here.
Episode 68: Beyond Burnout
Your plan needs to be more than ideas.
RObin Walker
Here are the highlights of the episode. To hear more details and tips, tune in to hear the episode in its entirety below.
1. Your Offers and Promotions
Take time to review your current offers: not only who are they for, and pricing, etc- but when are you promoting them, and how are you keeping your ‘always open’ offers new and inviting?
Avoid planning new offers on a whim and not taking the time to research, strategize, and implement everything that needs to happen to launch it at the level of excellence that your audience deserves.
When you plan out your offers and promotions ahead of time, you can strategically time promos to match slow or busy times, which helps predict your revenue and sales for the year.
Don’t set a revenue goal, and then not figure out where and when the revenue is coming in.
2. Increasing Visibility
Growing your audience and attracting new clients should be a part of your yearly plan, not just when you are low on sales.
In what new places can you be seen this year? How can you encourage more referrals or get more exposure on search engines? Seeds need to be planted in order for future sales to come in. This could be speaking events, networking, social media ads, or being a guest on a podcast. All of those take planning ahead in order to make the most of these opportunities to grow your audience.
Make a plan for new visibility, and put it on your calendar to implement. Need some fresh idea on how to do this? Grab the free download below!
3. Content Map
This one is no surprise, but is still often under developed in a yearly plan. Content can be correlated to your promotional calendar, speaking events, and seasonal needs of your ideal client.
Plan the big picture for the year, tighter for each quarter, and then get very detailed and specific as you go month by month.
What does your audience need to hear or learn before you invite them to your offer, so they are ready to buy when the time is right?
Having the bigger plan will help you be more intentional, which is easier for you and more beneficial to your audience.
4. Support
This last planning priority is usually not a priority to most, until they are way past needing it. Support can look like a lot of things depending on your business- maybe hiring, delegating, hiring a coach for you, strategy assistance, or even a peer community.
Don’t wait until you are knee deep in a problem and then look for help. Most of you know what your gaps are. Even if you can’t afford it now, or don’t know who or what you need, it is never too early to start keeping an eye out, making a list of what you may need, or browsing what is available to you.
Some questions to ask yourself to see where you may need support:
- Are you feeling lonely in your business? Asking for feedback from non-business owners? Maybe you need a mastermind group or paid community.
- If you were to suddenly grow this year, what would fall through the cracks? What support would you need right away?
- What tasks are you not great at, but you are still doing? Maybe those need to be delegated or hired out.
- Does not knowing what to do next or how to grow stress you out? Maybe you need business coaching or mentoring.
Challenge yourself to put a plan in place this year- more than just ideas.
Need help? The Plan Your Year program can walk you through a plan in an afternoon.
Happy New Year to you. I wish you a most wonderful and abundant year.
xo Robin
Click here to listen to more business episodes of the Women’s Business Workshop Podcast.
Ways to connect with Robin and get support:
IMPACT Business Circle (+Mastermind) and the Pep Talk Podcast: Forming groups now for next quarter! https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/impact/

Set up a strategy session with Robin: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/coaching/
Book Robin to speak to your group or audience on goal setting or how to attract more clients: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/media
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