Podcast 52 converting sales copy and sales pages

52: Strategic Sales Pages With Erin Ollila

Why does sales copy feel so hard? And why the heck are some of those sales pages so long, and so many look exactly alike?

Listen in to hear Erin Ollila, content strategist and writer, share what you can do to build confidence in your sales copy, how to repel the people that are not a good fit for your offer, and the pieces of a sales page that you need to include (template or no?).

Erin will be lead a workshop at the 2021 Lakeside Conference, all about your offer’s sales page; what to include, in what order, and how to know if you need a long or a short page. Watch her session recording when you sign up for the 2021 Replay Bundle.

If what you have as a business owner can help someone and take them to the next level, you are not selling in a negative way, you are changing their life.

Erin Ollila

People are choosing to visit your sales page. They are coming for information. It isn’t spamming them, you are doing them a service by providing them the information they need to make an informed sales decision.


Are you adding sales copy that repels people that are NOT a good fit for your offer? Repelling can actually be a service to someone that is not ready for your product or service, or will not get the transformation that you are promising. It also helps save you time and headaches with a client that is not a right fit. Don’t be afraid to include who is/not a good fit when creating your sales copy.


Are templates a good thing? Is this why so many look the same? Erin shares that there are key components that need to be included in a sales page. Sometimes a template can help with that, but every template is not the right fit for your audience or your product. Erin likens it to Mad Libs and giving yourself a false sense of security for your sales copy. This can cause your readers to tune out.

You want your sales page to match who you are, and align with your business. Make sure the copy matches your voice and demeaner.

Erin’s tip of the day: No one should ever use more than one exclamation point. 😉

Listen in to dive deeper into sales copy and pages.

Connect with Erin Ollila

Website: https://erinollila.com

Instagram: Copywriter& Content Strategist (@erinollila) • Instagram photos and videos

Mentioned in this episode:

Did you miss Erin’s session at the Lakeside Conference? You can see all of the custom presentations from these amazing speakers with the 2021 Replay Bundle. All of the sessions are walking you through optimizing an offer so it sells easier, or taking that idea and getting it ready to launch. Experience the conference on your own time.

Women’s Business Lakeside Conference Replay (womensbusinessworkshop.com)

Ways to connect and get support:

IMPACT Business Circle (+Mastermind): Forming groups now for next quarter! https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/impact/

Set up a strategy session with Robin: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/coaching/

Book Robin to speak to your group or audience: https://www.womensbusinessworkshop.com/media

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