3 Reasons You May Be Overwhelmed in Your Business
Raise your hand if you have felt overwhelmed in your business with all of the things that you *should* be doing.
It just feels like there is too much going on and it is hard to keep track of all of those plans in your head, right?
When you are feeling overwhelmed, you tend to struggle with what to work on next. You really just want to do your thing and not worry about all the businessy techie stuff that comes with running a business.
1. You don’t have your foundational pieces in print
Maybe you were winging it when you stumbled into entrepreneurship. Maybe you grew quickly and didn’t have time to set it up properly. Maybe you just don’t know what to put in place.
If you have your business in your head and not on paper, you are making things harder for yourself. Your foundation should be somewhere in print where you can access it easily.
Can you reference your ideal client characteristics quickly? Do you understand WHY you should have a specific ideal client?
How about your social media plan? It is intentional. simple to follow, and documented in a way that you can plan ahead with the least amount of time?
2. You don’t have a routine for keeping your business consistent
Staring at a blank Mailchimp screen? Do you keep saying ‘I know I should have a list, but…’ instead of making a plan to get one, or figuring out how it can benefit your business. Not sure what to post next on social media, or posting to crickets.
Having a plan eliminates a lot of overwhelm. Winging it is overwhelming. Only posting or emailing when you are promoting isn’t a good plan.
If you are only telling yourself, ‘I will post X amount of times a day’, and that is only in your head, chances are, you aren’t going to. If you haven’t been doing it, it obviously isn’t working.
Even a simple social media plan is better than no plan. It is one less thing to think about.
3. You don’t have your foundations linked and coordinated strategically
Sometimes we put things in place because it works at that time, or it seems like a good fit. But then, as your business evolves, they don’t really match up strategically.
Saying you will post 3 times a day on facebook only helps if you know that when, where, and what you post speaks to your ideal client.
Make sure your social media plan and email marketing coordinate with what your ideal client needs and wants, and nurture them into specific offers (that have been created for this particular offer).
When you have your foundation intentionally created, it is that much easier to decide what to work on next.
When you have a strategy, you won’t just be throwing things onto social media or emailing willy nilly. You won’t get as distracted with all of the new ideas that tempt you along the way.
So now what?
Putting foundational pieces in place can be overwhelming in itself. That is why so many women don’t do it. It’s ok. No judgement here.
Before you start to move forward and create that next step or launch your next offer, take some time to get your foundations in place. Set some time aside for committed work time.
If you need the accountability and strategic guidance, let’s hop on a call and work together.