3 Steps you can take to better prepare your business for 2019

3 Action Steps to Better Prepare For Next Year

At the end of fourth quarter, everyone starts talking about their next year’s goals. It is so exciting to dream big and throw out some exciting goals.

Unfortunately, if you have not done your homework, it will be hard to make these dreams a reality. Take some time to reflect on your 2018 year in business and see where you sit, before making new plans.

Where should you begin? I like to keep things simple and take it one step at a time. Here are 3 action steps you can take this month to get prepped.

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Step 1: Know Your Numbers

We hear it on Shark Tank, we hear it from our coaches, and we know we should be checking out the backend of our business more often. Now is the perfect time.

Take some time to look through your numbers (enter your financials if you have not yet for year to date 2018). What have you been tracking? What needs to be analyzed? Below are some examples of data that may help you plan better goals for 2019.

  • What were your highest grossing products or services?
  • What is your profit for each of your products or services (include your hourly rate or time spent)?
  • What are your monthly expenses?
  • What was your slowest month and what was your highest revenue month?
  • Brainstorm analytics or data that would be meaningful for your business.

Now here is the key to following through with this step: PICK ONE. 

Just pick ONE piece of data that you want to learn more about for now. Choose one that you don’t normally look at or track. That is your first action step.

Step 2: Client Acquisition History

One of the most common struggles I hear from my clients is that they want to find new customers. If you sold anything last year, that means that someone found you somewhere. 

Where they found you and how they came to purchase from you is valuable information! Don’t let that sit and collect dust.

Think about your favorite clients. Where did they originally hear about you? A referral? A facebook ad? If you need to, ask them! If you have no idea where your customers are coming from, that is something you can set up to track next year.

Before setting out to create all new channels of visibility, look to see what worked this year so you can start with doing more of that.

finish the year strong and make a business plan for 2019

Step 3: Follow Your Strengths

We only have so much time in the day. We may try, but we can’t do everything. No, not even you.

And really, do we even want to do everything?

I am guessing no. So take some time to reflect on what activities in your business you LOVE doing. What excited you last year? What didn’t feel like work?

Let’s find a way to do more of those things next year, and hire out or automate the things you don’t like or are not in your strengths. The first step to delegation is figuring out what you need to hand off.

Need some accountability to get these steps completed?

Grab the free printables that will walk you through each step. You will also receive some bonus tips for each step. And a check in from me to see how you are moving forward.

As a group, we will be going deep into your businesses and planning strategic goals and content in the Plan Your Year Group Intensive that starts in January. It is worth every penny to start your year with a plan of action that was well thought out and custom for your business. Join us!

What was your favorite part of your business in 2018? Share in the comments!

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